Dental hygiene

Preservation of the integrity of the teeth and the surrounding soft tissues.


` Dental hygiene includes those treatments includes those treatments that enable the cleanliness of the oral cavity to preserve the integrity of the teeth and periodontium and to avoid infection.

Dental hygiene treatments usually include preventive dental treatments. Examples include tartar removal, teeth cleaning, gum and pocket treatment. In addition, the task of dental hygiene is to promote health.

Tartar may seem like an ordinary thing, but it is the root of countless problems. 
Tartar, formed by the calcification of plaque, contains a large amount of bacteria, which can cause bleeding gums, inflammation and even bone destruction.
If the bone loss is so extensive, the teeth can become so loose that they can fall out on their own.

In our clinic, after each tartar removal, we will show you the ideal dental care technique and show you how to use the additional dental care tools.

Ultrasonic calculus removal (Scaler)

With the painless, ultrasonic tartar removal treatment, we get rid of the tartar, and your teeth will be whiter, prettier and healthier!!

This is a very gentle method. The device does not damage the teeth or the dentures. With the help of ultrasound, it clicks and washes off the tartar stuck to the teeth.

The ultrasonic remover is a device with a small, thin tip that reaches every surface of the tooth and can also remove tartar from between the teeth.
In the majority of cases, you will not feel anything during ultrasonic tartar removal, it is a painless procedure.

After removing tartar, it is very important to polish the teeth, which is done with a special high-quality fluoride polishing paste. As a result of polishing, the surface of the teeth will be extremely smooth, so plaque will have a harder time sticking to the teeth later on.

Airflow (sandblasting)

Polishing˘ can be done not only with paste, but also with so-called sandblasting - Airflow. This also means smoothing the surface of the teeth, only the material is different. We blow extremely small grains of sand on the teeth, which get into even the tiniest places, even the spaces between the teeth can be perfectly polished. It can also remove discolorations that polishing paste cannot. It protects the material of the tooth and does not harm it.

The advantage of teeth cleaning with sandblasting (airflow) is that it cleans the teeth very gently, yet extremely efficiently from surface deposits and discoloration.

Egy speciális készülékkel nagy nyomáson speciális homokpor, víz és levegő keverékét fújjuk az érintett fogakra.

After the treatment, our patients also feel that their teeth are smoother and cleaner. Airflow removes discolorations caused by various foods, drinks, and even cigarettes so effectively that chemical teeth whitening is often no longer necessary after sandblasting.

Airflow, i.e. sandblasting, is a completely painless treatment, hiszen csak nagy nyomású víz, levegő és speciális homokpor elegyét juttatjuk a fogakra. A fogakat és a fogínyt megfelelően alkalmazva nem károsítja.

Airflow, or sandblasting, is therefore recommended for everyone who drinks a lot of coffee and tea, or whose teeth are discolored due to cigarettes. With this technique, we can achieve perfectly smooth surface and naturally white teeth.

Tooth whitening

Dental office whitening-Opalescence BOOST®

The advantage of in-office teeth whitening is that it is more convenient and only takes 1 hour. During the intervention, we use a higher concentration of material, so we must take extra care to protect the gums.

A fog külső felszínére felvisszük a fehérítő zselét és 15-20 percig rajta hagyjuk, majd lemossuk és ezt a folyamatot megismételjük még 3-szor.

A fehérítés során aktiválódik a gél, a benne lévő Hydrogen peroxide eltávolítja a fog felszínén és mélyebb rétegeiben található elszíneződéseket.

The result depends on the starting tooth color, but either 6-10 shades of lightening are also available, which can even be permanent with good oral hygiene and following the post-procedure advice.

Root canal treatment

The vast majority of toothaches are caused by inflammation of the periodontium. Our teeth are hollow inside. In the center of the teeth is the dental chamber and the canal system running from it in the roots. In this space are the blood vessels and nerves that feed the tooth.

Ha a fogszuvasodás megközelíti a pulpakamrát, akkor a fogbélüreg védekezésül megnöveli a fog vérkeringését, és a fog ingerekkel szemben fokozottan érzékennyé válik. Ha ekkor nem állítjuk meg a folyamatot, akkor a fogbélüreg szövetei begyulladnak vagy elhalnak, szükségessé válik a fog gyökérkezelése.

What is a root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment means that the interior of the tooth is completely disinfected and then sealed airtight so that no more infection can get there. This process is one of the most complex tasks in dentistry, these canals are not simple tunnels in the root of the tooth, but contain complicated branches and connections between countless roots, they curve here and there, and contain many narrowings.

We close the root canal and the disinfected canal with the most modern heated root filling material, which completely seals not only the main canal, but also the smaller branches.

Tooth extraction

In all cases, we strive to save the teeth with the help of conservative therapy (filling, root canal treatment, etc.). However, there are cases when this is not possible. Examples include advanced caries, high-grade inflammation (goc) at the root tip, a tooth with periodontal disease with a hopeless prognosis, or a high-grade tooth fracture when we can no longer rebuild the tooth. In this case, tooth extraction is unavoidable. 

Simple tooth extraction

We speak of a simple tooth extraction when we can remove the tooth with pliers and the tooth extraction does not require further intervention. Single-rooted teeth are the front teeth, which are easier to pull and heal faster. Multi-rooted teeth can take longer to remove and heal. The intervention is completely painless, as we use the most modern anesthetic for our patients beforehand.

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Dr. Taghipour Mohammad