Privacy policy

In the following, you, as a patient of the Artmodent dental clinic, are informed about how the Artmodent dental clinic handles your personal identification and health data (in the following, personal identification and health data will be referred to together as personal data), and what rights you have in relation to data management according to the relevant Hungarian legislation.

Controller of personal data: Taghipourasghari Mohammadhassan self-employed dentist

The headquarters of the data controller: 2314 Halásztelek Arany János utca 72.

Email address of the Data Controller:

The Data Controller Registration number: 51935663 Tax number: 68569369-1-33

Továbbiakban, mint: „adatkezelő” hivatkozunk rá.

1. Handling of personal data aims to ensure that the Artmodent dental clinic can provide care for you, and to identify and contact you in connection with this health care.

 2. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is your voluntary and express consent to health.

3. In the We treat your personal data confidentially, third parties do not have access to these data, they are not forwarded to third parties.

 4. Your personal data, together with your health documentation, will be kept for 30 years in accordance with the relevant legislation, excluding the recording made with an imaging diagnostic procedure, which will be kept for 10 years from the date of its creation. We keep the findings of the recording for 30 years from the date of recording.

5. You have the right to access your personal data, i.e. you can request information about the personal data processed about you, and you are entitled to request a copy of this data. You have the right to correct or delete your personal data, and you can also request the restriction of data management. With regard to personal data marked with *, you are entitled to withdraw your prior consent to data management at any time and free of charge. In this case, the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of data processing based on your previously given consent. You have the right to object to data processing and exercise your right to data portability. You can assert your rights set out in this point by letter or e-mail.

  • Postal address: 2314 Halásztelek Arany János utca 72.
  • Email address:

6. You have the right to file a complaint, i.e. you are entitled to file a complaint with the data protection authority if you have a complaint related to the handling of personal data. Name of the data protection authority: National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority. Contact: www.

7. In order for us to be able to provide you with healthcare services, you must consent to the processing of the above personal data.

Kelt: 2022. december 1.

Information on the handling of COOKIES on the website

  1. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that the website stores on the computer or mobile device of the user visiting its pages.
  2. When and how does the visitor accept the placement of cookies? By using the Website for the first time, the Website visitor accepts (by clicking the "I accept" button) that cookies will be placed on his computer.
  3. How do cookies work? In order to provide customized service, the Service Provider stores a small data package on the user's computer, the so-called it places a cookie and reads it back during the next visit. If the browser returns a previously saved cookie, the cookie management service provider has the opportunity to connect the user's current visit with previous ones, but only with regard to its own content.
  4. WHAT is the purpose of data management? The purpose of data management is to identify and differentiate users visiting the website, to identify the users' current session, to store the data provided during that session, to perform web analytics measurements, to prevent data loss, to identify users.
  5. WHAT is the legal basis for data management? Data management is based on the consent of the data subject. The data affected during data management are the following: identification number, date, time, and the website visited. The duration of data management usually lasts until the end of the session, but (permanent) cookies with an exact validity period are stored on the computer until they are deleted, but at the latest until their validity period expires.
  6. How can cookies be deleted? The user can delete the cookie from his computer. Cookies can usually be managed in the Tools/Settings menu of browsers under the Data protection/History/Personal settings menu under the names cookie, cookie or tracking.
  7. Who is involved in the collection (management) of cookie data? Name and contact information of data processor: MikroVPS Informatikai és Szolgáltató Limited Liability Company Headquarters: 7150 Bonyhád, Jókai Mór utca 3.
  8. What are the consequences of "rejecting" - not accepting cookies? If cookies are not accepted or rejected, it is possible that the services of the website will not function fully.
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Kedves Látogató!

Az Artmodent rendelő a héten szabadság miatt zárva tart. Az első rendelési napunk: 2024.08.05.

További szép napot!
Dr. Taghipour Mohammad